Towards a Social-Resource-Based View (SRBV)
The purpose of this work is to insert the social dimension into the Resourced-Based View (RBV) in order to construct a Social-Resouce-Based View (SRBV.) The method used follows a qualitative exploratory emphasis, which unit of analysis refers to the management action for the development of social innovations in Brazilians Living Labs. Data collection is based on semi-structured interviews with officers in Living Labs. The relationship between Living Labs with social innovation is studied building on RBV extension named Natural-Resouce-Based View (NRBV.) According to the reference cited in this article, there are many articles that explore the notion of social resources and their management. In this way, they overcome three theoretical limitations; first limitation is the resource management to become a source of sustainable competitive advantage, in this case it is derived from relationships and joint integration of complementary resources. The second limitation is the connection formed between the social innovation with RBV. The last limitation is the notion of resource orchestration. The RBV reassembles facing the inclusion of the social dimension by proposing a conceptual framework of a SRBV which is composed of three interconnected strategies: social and ethical performance, social innovation and sustainable development. It also suggests the creation of knowledge of RBV that extends beyond the manipulated motives related to the social innovation.
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